Adding New Fonts in Fedora

The Fedora Docs Team, Peter Boy Versión F36,F37 Last review: 2023-04-24

Fedora preinstala de forma predeterminada varias fuentes básicas. Esta página explica como añadir nuevas fuentes a una instalación Fedora.

Fuentes empaquetadas

¿Sabe usted que Fedora empaqueta diversas fuentes de licencia libre? Hay varias fuentes suplementarias para previsualizar y probar que no están instaladas. Como todas las fuentes en Fedora, estas fuentes no están cubiertas por licencias o restricciones.

Un beneficio añadido de las fuentres empaquetadas es que le dan control sobre el paquete fuente en el futuro. Usted recibirá futuras actualizaciones y podrá desinstalarlas más tarde si decide que la fuente no es para usted.

GNOME Software

Esta sección utiliza una Interfaz Gráfica de Usuario (G.U.I.) para administrar fuentes.

La manera más fácil de previsualizar e instalar fuentes es usar GNOME Software. Busque una fuente específica o busque "fuentes" en GNOME Software para ver que otras fuentes de licencia gratuita están disponibles.

DNF package manager

This section uses a Command Line Interface (C.L.I.) for managing fonts.

If you prefer working in a C.L.I., you can also install fonts with dnf.

Add or enable third-party repositories with font packages

Many fonts are available from the RPM Fusion repository. To enable the repository on your system, follow these instructions.

List all available font packages from enabled repositories
[…]$ dnf search fonts
Install the font package you need
[…]$ sudo dnf install libreoffice-opensymbol-fonts

Unpackaged fonts

In many cases, you may want to use a specific font that is not available in Fedora or is not made available under Free Culture licenses.

Unpackaged fonts are not managed by a package manager. You will not automatically receive updates or optimizations. If a font is provided by a distribution package, you should always use a packaged version of a font.

System fonts

System fonts are installed for all users. Anyone with an account on the machine will be able to use these fonts.

Create a new directory in the system fonts directory (/usr/local/share/fonts/) to accommodate the new font family, and copy the downloaded fonts (e.g. robofont.ttf files)
[…]$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/fonts/robofont
[…]$ sudo cp ~/Downloads/robofont.ttf /usr/local/share/fonts/robofont/
Set permissions and update SELinux labels
[…]$ sudo chown -R root: /usr/local/share/fonts/robofont
[…]$ sudo chmod 644 /usr/local/share/fonts/robofont/*
[…]$ sudo restorecon -vFr /usr/local/share/fonts/robofont
Update the font cache
[…]$ sudo fc-cache -v

User fonts

User fonts are installed for an individual user. Only the user who installs the fonts on the machine will be able to use these fonts. This is also convenient if you do not have superuser (i.e. root) access on the machine.

There are three ways to install user fonts.

GNOME Font Viewer

Esta sección utiliza una Interfaz Gráfica de Usuario (G.U.I.) para administrar fuentes.

The GNOME Font Viewer is an application to display the fonts installed on the system. It also allows you to locally install fonts. Follow these steps to add new user fonts with GNOME Font Viewer:

  1. Install GNOME Font Viewer.

    • Use GNOME Software or use the command line (sudo dnf install gnome-font-viewer)

  2. Open a file browser.

  3. Double-click on a font file to open it in GNOME Font Viewer.

  4. Click on the blue btn:[Install] button on the top bar.

Currently, there is a bug in the application. When you click on the btn:[Install] button, it does not inform whether the installation succeeded.

GNOME Font Viewer does two things to install fonts:

  1. Copy font files to a font directory in the user’s home directory .local/share/fonts.

  2. Update the font cache.

KDE Font Management

  1. Go to Settings and enter font in Quick Settings.

  2. On Font Management window, press the Install from…​button, and select the downloaded fonts from within the dialog.

  3. On pop-up window (see UI text below), select a font group that will control where the fonts will be installed.

Do you wish to install the font(s) for personal use (only available to you), or system-wide (available to all users)?

Command line

This section uses a Command Line Interface (C.L.I.) for managing fonts.

If you prefer a command line interface, you can install user fonts manually. Follow these steps in a terminal window to install a font locally:

Create a new directory ~/.local/share/fonts/<font-family-name>/ for the new font family
[…]$ mkdir -p ~/.local/share/fonts/robofont
Copy font files (e.g. .ttf files) to the new directory
[…]$ cp ~/Downloads/robofont.ttf ~/.local/share/fonts/robofont
Update the font cache
[…]$ fc-cache -v