
Caleb McKee Versión unknown Last review: 2021-06-04
Esta página contiene información sobre el códec de Cisco OpenH264 codec.

Segundo plano

Cisco suministra un códec OpenH264 (como fuente y binario), que es su implementación del códec H.264 codec y cubren todas las tarifas de licencias para todas las partes que usen su binario. Este códec le permite usar H.264 en WebRTC con gstreamer y Firefox. No habilita la reproducción genérica H.264, solo WebRTC (vea Mozilla bug 1057646).

El código fuente está disponible en bajo una licencia BSD. El binario se publica bajo este acuerdo de Cisco:

Las versiones anteriores de Firefox descargan e instalan el complemento OpenH264 de forma predeterminada automáticamente. Debido a su naturaleza binaria Fedora deshabilita esta descarga automática.

Instalación desde el repositorio fedora-cisco-openh264

A fedora-cisco-openh264 repository is distributed since Fedora 24 by default (if you have at least fedora-repos-24-0.5 package or newer). It contains OpenH264 binary built inside the Fedora infrastructure, but distributed by Cisco, so that the all licensing fees are still covered by them. This repository also contains OpenH264 plugins for gstreamer and Firefox. It is enabled by default since Fedora 33 (if you have at least fedora-repos-33-0.3 package or newer). In order to install OpenH264, just install the plugins:

$ sudo dnf install gstreamer1-plugin-openh264 mozilla-openh264

Afterwards you need open Firefox, go to menu → Add-ons → Plugins and enable OpenH264 plugin.

You can do a simple test whether your H.264 works in RTC on this page (check Require H.264 video).

Manual install of binary

Example installation for version 1.1:

wget +
mkdir -p ~/.mozilla/firefox/<yourprofile>/gmp-gmpopenh264/1.1/ +
cd ~/.mozilla/firefox/<yourprofile>/gmp-gmpopenh264/1.1/ +
unzip ~/

Firefox config changes

Type about:config into the Firefox address/URL field and accept the warning.

  • From the Search field type in 264 and a handful of options will appear. Give the following Preference Names a value of true by double-clicking on false:

  • Restart Firefox

  • After restarting, the following string in about:config will change to the current version that has been installed from the web:


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