Wine – Running Windows applications in the Fedora GUI

Héctor H. Louzao Pozueco, Ankur Sinha, Akshata Khedekar Versión unknown Last review: 2022-10-03
Vino es una implementación en código abierto de la API Windows API sobre X y OpenGL.

Wine emula el entorno del tiempo de ejecución de Windows traduciendo las llamadas del sistema de Windows a llamadas al sistema que cumplen POSIX, recreando la estructura de directorios del sistema Windows y suministrando implementaciones alternativas de las librerías del sistema Windows, servicios al sistema a través de wineserver.


Fedora’s Wine packages are split up to allow for smaller installations. The wine meta package will bring with it the most important components of Wine. Expert users may want to pick specific components from the list here. The current versions of the Wine packages can also be seen on the Fedora packages application.

Archivos de configuración

El archivo de configuración predeterminado de wine se almacena en su directorio $HOME:

TIP: Se pueden usar diferentes prefijos como en describe en la sección xref:#working-with-prefix[prefijos wine] más abajo en este documento.

== Archivos de escritorio Wine[Wine respeta la XDG Base Directory Specification] (Especificación del Directorio Base XDG). `$XDG_DATA_HOME` define el directorio base relativo en el que los archivos de datos específicos del usuario deberían ser almacenados. Si no se estableció `$XDG_DATA_HOME` o está vacío, el predeterminado es `$HOME/.local/share`.

Wine almacena sus archivos de escritorio en `$XDG_DATA_HOME/applications/wine`.

== GUI (Interfaz Gráfica de Usuario) para configurar el registro de Wine (winecfg)[`winecfg`] es una herramienta GUI de configuración para Wine, diseñada para hacer la vida un poco más fácil que la edición del registro.

Esta utilidad es proporcionada por el[paquete `wine-common`]. Le permite:

- set the Windows version
- change the default libraries (DLLs) Wine loads
- modify graphics settings
- modify desktop integration related settings
- modify drive mappings
- change sound/audio settings

WARNING: Some applications do not work with the default Windows version which Wine offers. E.g.: Amazon Kindle Desktop Edition.

== Gui Wine script (winetricks)[Winetricks] is a helper script to download and install various redistributable runtime libraries needed to run some programs in Wine. These may include replacements for components of Wine using closed source libraries.

It is provided by the[`winetricks` package]:

``` sudo dnf install winetricks ```

It can download and install applications and libraries needed to run some programs in Wine, e.g., Adobe Digital Edition.

== Wine prefix

A[Wine prefix] is a folder that contains all of the Wine configurations as well as all of the Windows pieces that Wine uses for compatibility, including libraries and a registry.

Some applications need a 32 or 64 wine prefix, this can be done in the following way:

- Create a clean wine32/64 prefix:

``` WINEPREFIX="$HOME/<directory>" WINEARCH=winxx wine wineboot ```

* Where `xx` is 32 or 64 bits
* `<directory>` is the directory which you can store the wine environment

To use a wine prefix created before:

``` export WINEPREFIX=$HOME/<directory> ```

== Install some basics/utils applications

How to install the follow applications under wine?

1. Adobe Digital Edition 4.5

* use `winetricks` as descibed before and select **install application** in the menu "What you do you want to do?"
* in "Which package(s) would you like to install?" select `adobe_diged4`

2. Kindle Desktop Edition

* download from ->[Amazon Kindle]
* install it
* use winecfg to change the default windows version so is 7 to a higher version

== Gazapos y problemas

Antes de informar de gazapos en Wine asegúrese de que su sistema está totalmente actualizado.

dnf upgrade

Also check if a newer version is available in the[updates-testing] repository.

dnf --enablerepo=updates-testing update wine

If you are using the proprietary graphics drivers please remove them from your system and try again, as they are known to cause problems.

When debugging Wine, your goal is to determine if the issue is one of _code functionality_ or _packaging in Fedora_.

Check the[Wine Application Database] to see if your application is supported, or if there are known issues that match yours. Anything that falls into this category is a bug in upstream code functionality.

The next step is to see if the problem persists with a clean ~/.wine folder. To try this without losing your old configuration:

mv ~/.wine ~/.wine-save

Afterwards try to trigger the bug again. Your original wine folder can be restored with:

rm -fr ~/.wine; mv ~/.wine-save ~/.wine

If your application still does not work but has been working in a previous version of wine it is probably a regression. Consider filling a bug in the upstream[Wine-staging bug tracking system].

IMPORTANT: Do not file bugs in the bugzilla unless told to do so.

If you really think that your bug is Fedora-related, file a bug against the Wine component in[Fedora's bug tracking system].