Cette page documente les différences entre Fedora Asahi Remix et Fedora Linux ainsi que les raisonnements liés.
Nous avons décidé de créer un Remix plutôt que de fournir directement la prise en charge des puces Apple dans Fedora Linux. En effet, il s’agit d’un écosystème en mouvement rapide et nous considérons qu’il s’agit de la manière la plus adaptée pour fournir une expérience d’utilisation optimale.
Construire un remix nous permet d’intégrer la prise en charge matériel au fil de l’eau, et de la fournir aux utilisateurs aussi vite que possible. Néanmoins, autant de travail que possible est réalisé upstream, avec la majorité des composants développés, maintenus et empaquetés sous Fedora Linux. Cette approche est alignée avec l’objectif général du projet Asahi d’intégrer la prise en charge de ces systèmes dans les projets upstream.
Correspondances des éditions
Nous fournissons Fedora Asahi Remix en quatre éditions, qui correspondent aux produits de base de Fedora Linux :
Fedora Linux avec KDE Plasma → Fedora KDE Plasma Desktop
Fedora Linux avec GNOME → Fedora Workstation
Fedora Server → Fedora Server
Fedora Minimal → Fedora Everything
L’édition phare de Fedora Asahi Remix est Fedora Linux avec KDE Plasma.
L’installation ne fait pas appel à Anaconda
Apple Silicon Macs have a bespoke boot process that requires special considerations to support alternative operating systems. Currently, Fedora Asahi Remix is installed from macOS via the Asahi Installer, which takes care of preparing the system for the installation, downloading an image for Fedora Asahi Remix and laying it on disk.
The Asahi Installer has also the ability to prepare the system and install the supporting components for a barebone UEFI-enabled system. This could potentially be used in the future to support Anaconda-based installation using regular Fedora Linux install media, but it is not currently supported. The work required is tracked in our issue tracker (Anaconda, disk management tools).
No official support for full disk encryption
The Asahi Installer does not currently support installing systems using full disk encryption. There is no technical limitation preventing the use of encryption, but it not currently a supported configuration, and the installer does not provide any facility to set it up. A number of approaches to resolve this (including implementing installer suppport) are currently being discussed upstream in the Asahi Linux project.
Installation images are built with Kiwi
Fedora Asahi Remix installation images are built using Kiwi from the published Kiwi descriptions.
Installation images are built and hosted outside of Fedora infrastructure
Because the installation images include additional components that are not part of stock Fedora Linux, they cannot currently be built or hosted on Fedora Infrastructure. We are instead leveraging AWS for this, and more details on the infrastructure deployment are available on our how it’s made page.
Since Fedora Linux 40 it is possible to build Kiwi images in Koji; this will enable the future efforts to build stock Fedora Linux images with Apple Silicon support.
No support for legacy X11 desktops
Fedora Asahi Remix comes out of the box with a 100% Wayland environment. Wayland is required to provide a good experience on this platform, and the legacy Xorg server is not supported. Existing X11 applications are fully supported out of the box thanks to XWayland.
Downstream packages required for platform enablement are included
Fedora Asahi Remix includes a number of components that are not part of stock Fedora Linux; these are preinstalled and delivered via our copr repositories.
These components include mesa
(source, copr), which is tightly coupled to the kernel AGX driver and in active development, and u-boot
(source, copr), which requires patches in the process of being upstreamed.
The kernel is also maintained downstream in a fork of the main kernel-ark repository. The kernel is in active development — while platform enablement for Apple Silicon is in the process of being upstreamed, currently a downstream kernel is required for the best experience.
Finally, a number of packages specific to the Remix implementation are also maintained downstream; more details on these are available on our how it’s made page.
Fedora Asahi Remix uses 16K pages
Apple Silicon hardware native page-size is 16K; consequently, this is also the Fedora Asahi Remix default, and we deploy the kernel-16k
variant. While a 4K page-size kernel is available in the kernel
package, this is completely unsupported and should not be used.
Fedora Linux with KDE Plasma uses Calamares for first-boot setup
We provide a custom Calamares-based first-boot setup wizard to simplify user onboarding. This is only available on the Fedora Linux with KDE Plasma edition and is used in place of initial-setup
Fedora Server uses btrfs as the filesystem for the installed system
Fedora Asahi Remix uses btrfs for all of the deliverables. This matches what Fedora Linux does since Fedora Linux 33, with the exception of Fedora Server, which still defaults to XFS. We use btrfs everywhere because we need the ability to online resize the filesystem, so that it can be expanded to fill the available space on the first boot after the installation, and so that users can shrink it as needed if they want to deploy custom layouts.
OpenH264 is automatically installed on first-boot
Fedora Asahi Remix automatically installs openh264 on the first boot, enabling playback of H.264-encoded content out of the box. This is possible because of the two-step install process — the Asahi Installer downloads the necessary packages from Cisco’s server and makes them available to the deployed system to the perform the installation via a one-off systemd service.
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