Pages in category administration

Ajouter ou supprimer des dépôts logiciels dans Fedora

Cette section décrit comment ajouter, activer ou désactiver un dépôt logiciel avec l’application DNF. Adding repositories This section describes how to add software repositories with the dnf config-manager command. For… Read more

Ajout d’un utilisateur à sudoers

Une des opérations les plus courantes que les administrateurs effectuent en ajustant les permissions sudo est d’accorder l’accès à sudo à un nouveau compte utilisateur. C’est utile lorsque vous voulez… Read more

Checking Integrity With AIDE

Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment (AIDE) is a utility that creates a database of files on the system, and then uses that database to ensure file integrity and detect system intrusions.… Read more

Mises à jour automatiques

Vous devez décider d’utiliser ou non les mises à jour automatiques des xref .adoc[DNF] sur chacune de vos machines. Il existe un certain nombre d’arguments pour et contre les mises… Read more

Changement de nom d’hôte

Un nom d’hôte par défaut est assigné lors de l’installation de Fedora. Vous pourriez vouloir définir un autre nom afin d’identifier plus facilement votre hôte sur le réseau. Il existe… Read more

Configuration du réseau IP avec nmcli

Guide de connexion au réseau à l’aide de l’utilitaire en ligne de commande nmcli (interface en ligne de commande de NetworkManager). Getting started with nmcli The nmcli (NetworkManager Command Line… Read more

Configuring X Window System using the xorg.conf file

About xorg.conf Traditionally, the xorg.conf file is used to configure an Xorg display server. In Fedora (where an Xorg display server is configured instead of the default Wayland) the X… Read more

Configuring Xorg as the default GNOME session

Wayland is the default GNOME display server, and has been the default in Fedora since Fedora 25. However, users may still need to use the older Xorg display server for… Read more

Creating a Disk Partition in Linux

Creating and deleting partitions in Linux is a regular practice because storage devices (such as hard drives and USB drives) must be structured in some way before they can be… Read more

Désactivation du verrouillage automatique de l’écran

In the interest of safety and privacy, the GNOME automatic screen lock is enabled by default. When the screen locks after a period of inactivity, you must enter your password… Read more

DNF Package Manager Quick Reference

This sections lists the most useful commands provided by the dnf utility. For a complete list of commands, options, and their syntax, see the dnf(8) man page. dnf help command… Read more

DNF and its APT command equivalents on Fedora

APT is the package manager/dependency solver for the Debian ecosystem, i.e. it manages .deb packages installed by the DPKG program. Fedora software is based on .rpm packages, and thus uses… Read more

Using the DNF software package manager

DNF is a software package manager that installs, updates, and removes packages on Fedora and is the successor to YUM (Yellow-Dog Updater Modified). DNF makes it easy to maintain packages… Read more

Comment activer le clic du pavé tactile

Cadre Fedora met à disposition de ses utilisateur·rices plusieurs environnements de bureau. Puisque Fedora tente de rester aussi fidèle à l’upstream que possible, nous conservons les divers paramètres par défaut… Read more

Disk Encryption User Guide

What is block device encryption? Block device encryption encrypts/decrypts the data transparently as it is written/read from block devices, the underlying block device sees only encrypted data. To mount encrypted… Read more

Fedora Repositories

This page explains the various Fedora repositories that exist for different Fedora Releases, the relationship between them, and what packages they contain. The fedora repository The fedora repository exists for… Read more

Adding New Fonts in Fedora

Fedora pre-installs several basic fonts by default. This page explains how to add new fonts to a Fedora installation. Packaged fonts Did you know Fedora packages several freely-licensed fonts? There… Read more

Setting a key shortcut to run an application in GNOME

If you frequently use a certain application, you can set a keyboard shortcut to quickly launch that application on GNOME. This example shows how to set a key shortcut to… Read more

Le GRUB2 Bootloader - Installation et Configuration

GRUB2 is the latest version of GNU GRUB, the GRand Unified Bootloader. A bootloader is the first software program that runs when a computer starts. It is responsible for loading… Read more

How to troubleshoot sound problems

This page covers some basic troubleshooting techniques to help narrow down the root cause of an issue. It also explains information that should be included when filing bugs related to… Read more

Installing plugins for playing movies and music

As a Fedora user and system administrator, you can use these steps to install additional multimedia plugins that enable you to play various video and audio types. Procedure Use the… Read more

Joining an Active Directory or FreeIPA domain

Fedora can join Active Directory and FreeIPA domains using the realm command. If you want your Fedora machine to be part of an Active directory or FreeIPA domain just follow… Read more

Gestion des raccourcis clavier pour l’exécution d’une application dans GNOME

Adding keyboard shortcuts for custom applications in GNOME This section describes how to add a keyboard shortcut for starting a custom application in GNOME. Procedure Open Settings and choose the… Read more

Inscription d’une Machine Owner Key

Cette page documente le processus d’inscription d’une Machine Owner Key (clé de propriétaire de machine, MOK) créée pendant l’installation du pilote NVIDIA (généralement depuis GNOME Logiciels). Prérequis Le pilote NVIDIA… Read more

Network Manager Quick Reference

NetworkManager status Overall status of NetworkManager Display active connections Display all configured connections Connect/disconnect to an already configured connection Connect to a configured connection by name Disconnection by name Wi-Fi… Read more

Package management system

Package Management System Introduction Fedora is a distribution that uses a package management system. This system is based on rpm , the RPM Package Manager, with several higher level tools… Read more

PackageKit Items Not Found

Missing Package Unfortunately, the package you were searching for is not available in Fedora. There are a few common reasons why a package might not be in Fedora’s repositories: Fedora… Read more

Performing administration tasks using sudo

How to perform tasks requiring root privileges without logging in as root. What is sudo? The sudo command allows users to gain administrative or root access. When trusted users precede… Read more

How to Reset the root Password

A root password may be set up while installing Fedora Linux, although it is now suggested to leave the root account locked and use sudo. This article describes how to… Read more

Root Account Locked

Phenomenon Cannot open access to console, the root account is locked in emergency mode (dracut emergency shell) Reason This is a known problem. It happens Fedora releases 28 and newer,… Read more

How to create a Samba share

Samba allows for Windows and other clients to connect to file share directories on Linux hosts. It implements the server message block (SMB) protocol. This guide covers creating a shared… Read more

Securing the system by keeping it up-to-date

This section explains: Why it is important to update your system regularly How to apply updates manually by using the GUI or CLI How to enable automatic updates Why it… Read more

How to Set Nvidia as Primary GPU on Optimus-based Laptops

Introduction The goal is to have an active NVIDIA GPU on an Optimus-based laptop and use it for all activities on Desktops Environments with Xorg-X11. Avoid using this guide if… Read more

Understanding and administering systemd

Learn the basic principles of the systemd init system: how to configure it and use it to administer the system. Understanding systemd Systemd is a system and service manager for… Read more

Mise à jour vers une nouvelle version de Fedora Linux

Cet article décrit principalement les procédures de mise à jour des variantes de bureau de Fedora. Une partie du contenu s’applique aussi aux versions pour serveur. Néanmoins, ces versions fournissent… Read more

Mise à jour de Fedora Linux à l’aide du plugin DNF

La commande dnf system-upgrade (intégrée à DNF5 et au plugin dnf-plugin-system-upgrade pour le gestionnaire de paquets DNF4) sert à mettre à jour votre système vers la dernière version de Fedora… Read more

Upgrading Fedora Linux Online Using Package Manager

This page contains information explaining how to upgrade Fedora Linux online using dnf (without the DNF system upgrade plugin). Upgrading Fedora Linux using dnf directly Participate If you are upgrading… Read more

How to enable nested virtualization in KVM

Nested virtualization allows you to run a virtual machine (VM) inside another VM while still using hardware acceleration from the host. Checking if nested virtualization is supported For Intel processors,… Read more

Using Shared System Certificates

The Shared System Certificates storage enables NSS, GnuTLS, OpenSSL, and Java to share a default source for retrieving system certificate anchors and black list information. By default, the trust store… Read more

Affichage des journaux de log dans Fedora

Log files contain messages about the system, including the kernel, services, and applications running on it. These contain information that helps troubleshoot issues, or simply monitor system functions. Fedora uses… Read more

Installing Zoom on Fedora

Description Zoom Video Communications. Inc. is an American communications technology company headquartered in San Jose, California. It provides videotelephony and online chat services through a cloud-based peer-to-peer software platform and… Read more