Websites Release SOP
Preparing the website for a new release cycle
Obsolete GPG key
One month after a Fedora release the release number 'FXX-2' (i.e. 1
month after F21 release, F19 will be EOL) will be EOL (End of Life). At
this point we should drop the GPG key from the list in verify/ and move
the keys to the obsolete keys page in keys/obsolete.html
Update GPG key
After another couple of weeks and as the next release approaches, watch
the fedora-release package for a new key to be added. Use the
script in the fedora-web git repository
to add it to static/
. Manually add it to /keys
and /verify
in all websites where we
use these keys:
Get a copy of the new key(s) from the fedora-release repo, you will find FXX-primary and FXX-secondary keys. Save them in
to make the update easier. -
Start by editing
and adding the key-ids of any obsolete keys to the obsolete_keys list. -
Then run that script to add the new key(s) to the
block:fedora-web git:(master) cd tools/ tools git:(master) ./update-gpg-keys RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-23-primary tools git:(master) ./update-gpg-keys RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-23-secondary
This will add the key(s) to the keyblock in static/fedora.gpg and create a text file for the key in
as well. Verify that these files have been created properly and contain all the keys that they should.-
Handy checks:
gpg static/fedora.gpg
orgpg static/$KEYID.txt
Adding --with-fingerprint option will add the fingerprint to the output
The output of
should contain only the actual keys, not the obsolete keys. The single text files should contain the correct information for the uploaded key.
Next, add new key(s) to the list in
and move the new key informations in the keys page indata/content/keys/index.html
. A script to aid in generating the HTML code for new keys is in./tools/make-gpg-key-html
. It will print HTML to stdout for each RPM-GPG-KEY-* file given as arguments. This is suitable for copy/paste (or directly importing if your editor supports this). Check the copied HTML code and select if the key info is for a primary or secondary key (output says 'Primary or Secondary').tools git:(master) ./make-gpg-key-html RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-23-primary
Build the website with 'make en test' and carefully verify that the data is correct. Please double check all keys in http://localhost:5000/en/keys and http://localhost:5000/en/verify.
The tool will give you an outdated output, adapt it to the new websites and bootstrap layout!
Update website
For Alpha
Create the fXX-alpha branch from master fedora-web
git:(master) git push origin master:refs/heads/f22-alpha
and checkout to the new branch:
fedora-web git:(master) git checkout -t -b f13-alpha origin/f13-alpha
Update the global variables Change curr_state to Alpha for all arches
Add Alpha banner Upload the FXX-Alpha banner to
which should appear in every${PRODUCT}/download/index.html
page. Make sure the banner is shown in all sidebars, also in labs, spins, and arm.Check all Download links and paths in
. You can find all paths in bapp01 or you can look at the downlaod page CHECKSUM files to
and verify that the paths are correct. The files should be in sundries01 and you can query them with:
$ find /pub/fedora/linux/releases/test/17-Alpha/ -type f -name CHECKSUM -exec cp '\{}' . ;
Remember to add the right checksums to the right websites (same path).
Add EC2 AMI IDs for Alpha. All IDs now are in the
file. We get all data from there, even the redirect path to trac the AMI IDs. We now also have a script which is useful to get all the AMI IDs uploaded with fedimg. Execute it to get the latest uploads, but don’t run the script too early, as new builds are added constantly.
fedora-web git:(fXX-alpha) python ~/fedora-web/tools/
Add CHECKSUM files also to in
. Verify the paths are correct indata/content/verify.html
. (see point e) to query them on sundries01). Same for and all paths and links on, and
Update Alpha Image sizes and pre_cloud_composedate in
. Verify they are right in Cloud images and Docker image.Update the new POT files and push them to Zanata (ask a maintainer to do so) every time you change text strings.
Add this build to (ansible
) to test the pages online.Release Date:
Merge the fXX-alpha branch to master and correct conflicts manually
Remove the redirect of prerelease pages in ansible, edit:
ask a sysadmin-main to run playbook
When ready and about 90 minutes before Release Time push to master
Tag the commit as new release and push it too:
$ git tag -a FXX-Alpha -m 'Releasing Fedora XX Alpha' $ git push --tags
If needed follow "Fire in the hole" below.
For Beta
Create the fXX-beta branch from master
fedora-web git:(master) git push origin master:refs/heads/f22-beta
and checkout to the new branch:
fedora-web git:(master) git checkout -t -b f22-beta origin/f22-beta
Update the global variables Change curr_state to Beta for all arches
Add Alpha banner Upload the FXX-Beta banner to
which should appear in every${PRODUCT}/download/index.html
page. Make sure the banner is shown in all sidebars, also in, and all Download links and paths in
You can find all paths in bapp01 or you can look at the downlaod page CHECKSUM files to static/checksums and verify that the paths are correct. The files should be in sundries and you can query them with:
$ find /pub/fedora/linux/releases/test/17-Beta/ -type f -name CHECKSUM -exec cp '\{}' . ;
Remember to add the right checksums to the right websites (same path).
Add EC2 AMI IDs for Beta. All IDs now are in the
file. We get all data from there, even the redirect path to trac the AMI IDs. We now also have a script which is useful to get all the AMI IDs uploaded with fedimg. Execute it to get the latest uploads, but don’t run the script too early, as new builds are added constantly.
fedora-web git:(fXX-beta) python ~/fedora-web/tools/
Add CHECKSUM files also to in
. Verify the paths are correct indata/content/verify.html
. (see point e) to query them on sundries01). Same for and
in all websites.Verify all paths and links on http://spins.fpo, labs.fpo and arm.fpo.
Update Beta Image sizes and pre_cloud_composedate in ./build.d/ Verify they are right in Cloud images and Docker image.
Update the new POT files and push them to Zanata (ask a maintainer to do so) every time you change text strings.
Add this build to (ansible
) to test the pages online.Release Date:
Merge the fXX-beta branch to master and correct conflicts manually
When ready and about 90 minutes before Release Time push to master
Tag the commit as new release and push it too:
$ git tag -a FXX-Beta -m 'Releasing Fedora XX Beta' $ git push --tags
If needed follow "Fire in the hole" below.
For GA
Create the fXX branch from master
fedora-web git:(master) git push origin master:refs/heads/f22
and checkout to the new branch:
fedora-web git:(master) git checkout -t -b f22 origin/f22
Update the global variables Change curr_state for all arches
Check all Download links and paths in
You can find all paths in bapp01 or you can look at the downlaod page CHECKSUM files to
and verify that the paths are correct. The files should be in sundries01 and you can query them with:
$ find /pub/fedora/linux/releases/17/ -type f -name CHECKSUM -exec cp '\{}' . ;
Remember to add the right checksums to the right websites (same path).
At some point freeze translations. Add an empty PO_FREEZE file to every website’s directory you want to freeze.
Add EC2 AMI IDs for GA. All IDs now are in the
file. We get all data from there, even the redirect path to trac the AMI IDs. We now also have a script which is useful to get all the AMI IDs uploaded with fedimg. Execute it to get the latest uploads, but don’t run the script too early, as new builds are added constantly.
fedora-web git:(fXX) python ~/fedora-web/tools/
Add CHECKSUM files also to in
. Verify the paths are correct indata/content/verify.html
. (see point e) to query them on sundries01). Same for and
in all websites.Verify all paths and links on, and
Update GA Image sizes and cloud_composedate in
. Verify they are right in Cloud images and Docker image.Update
and check if the paths and checksum still match.Update the new POT files and push them to Zanata (ask a maintainer to do so) every time you change text strings.
Add this build to (ansible
) to test the pages online.Release Date:
Merge the fXX-beta branch to master and correct conflicts manually
Add the redirect of prerelease pages in ansible, edit:
ask a sysadmin-main to run playbook
Unfreeze translations by deleting the PO_FREEZE files
When ready and about 90 minutes before Release Time push to master
Update the short links for the Cloud Images for 'Fedora XX', 'Fedora XX-1' and 'Latest'
Tag the commit as new release and push it too:
`$ git tag -a FXX -m 'Releasing Fedora XX'` `$ git push --tags`If needed follow "Fire in the hole" below.
Fire in the hole
We now use ansible for everything, and normally use a regular build to make the websites live. If something is not happening as expected, you should get in contact with a sysadmin-main to run the ansible playbook again.
All our stuff, such as
scripts are
now also in ansible!
Staging server app02 and production server bapp01 do not exist anymore, now our staging websites are on sundries01.stg and the production on sundries01. Change your scripts accordingly and as sysadmin-web you should have access to those servers as before.
Merging branches
Suggested by Ricky
This can be useful if you’re sure all new changes on devel branch should go into the master branch. Conflicts will be solved directly accepting only the changes in the devel branch. If you’re not 100% sure do a normal merge and fix conflicts manually!
$ git merge f22-beta
$ git checkout --theirs f22-beta [list of conflicting po files]
$ git commit
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