Installation of the Openshift Virtualisation Operator


From the web console, choose the Operators menu, and choose OperatorHub.

Search for Openshift Virtualization

Click install.

When the installation of the Operator is completed, create a HyperConverged object and follow the wizard, the default options should be fine, click next through the menus.

Next create a HostPathProvisioner object the default options should be fine, click next through the menus.


To verify that the installation of the Operator is successful, we can attempt to create a VM.

From the [1] location download the Fedora34 Cloud Base image for Openstack image with the qcow2 format locally.

Create a Dockerfile with the following contents:

FROM scratch
ADD fedora34.qcow2 /disk/

Build the contianer:

podman build -t fedora34:latest .

Push the container to your username at

podman push<USER>/fedora34:latest

In the web console, visit the Workloads, then Virtualization menu.

Create a VirtualMachine with Wizard

Choose Fedora and click next

From the boot source dropdown menu, select import via Registry

In the container image, you can add the one prepared earlier. eg

Click the Advanced Storage settings, change the storageclass to oc-storagecluster-ceph-rbd and click next and done.

Once the VM is created and booted, the console is available from the top right drop down menu.