Pages with tag multimedia
How to troubleshoot sound problems
This page covers some basic troubleshooting techniques to help narrow down the root cause of an issue. It also explains information that should be included when filing bugs related to…
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VLC 설치 및 실행하기
VLC 설치하기 VLC 설치: VLC 실행하기 GUI를 사용하여 VLC 미디어 재생기를 실행하려면: Super key를 눌러서 실행을 엽니다. _vlc_를 입력합니다. _Enter_를 누릅니다. 명령 줄에서 VLC를 실행하려면: _원천_을 재생하려는 파일의 경로, URL…
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Installing plugins for playing movies and music
As a Fedora user and system administrator, you can use these steps to install additional multimedia plugins that enable you to play various video and audio types. Procedure Use the…
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This page contains information on the Cisco OpenH264 codec. 배경 Cisco provides an OpenH264 codec (as a source and a binary), which is their of implementation H.264 codec, and they…
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