SOP Add Zabbix monitoring to the RabbitMQ hosts


This SOP documents step by step, of what was required to add Zabbix monitoring to the RabbitMQ hosts.

Contact Information


Fedora Infrastructure Team


#fedora-admin, sysadmin-main, sysadmin-noc


Provide basic orientation and introduction to the sysadmin group

Access Level

To perform the configuration described in this SOP, one will likely need to have sysadmin-main, sysadmin-noc access.


  • root access to the hosts in ansible group: rabbitmq and or rabbitmq_stg.


  • Add the official Zabbix RabbitMQ node by Zabbix agent template to the rabbitmq and rabbitmq_stg hosts.

  • Using the rabbitmqctl utility on the rabbitmq and rabbitmq_stg hosts, create the user zbx_monitor.

  • Using the rabbitmqctl utility on the rabbitmq and rabbitmq_stg hosts, set the monitoring permissions on the zbx_monitor user.

  • Configure the RabbitMQ node by Zabbix agent template within Zabbix, to update the password added in the previous step.

  • Update the ansible private repo vars with the password for these users. Vars: zbx_monitor and zbx_monitor_staging


Future Work

Replace these custom monitoring things with a Zabbix solution.