Fedora Operations Architect
The Fedora Operations Architect (FOA) is employed full-time by Red Hat to assist the community in managing technical change. This includes change wrangling, schedule management, communications, and ownership of key strategic efforts. The Operations Architect also serves as a member of the Fedora Council. This role was created in 2023.
Current Fedora Operations Architect

Aoife Moloney is the current FOA. She is based in Waterford, Ireland and has been using Fedora Linux since 2018 when she joined the Red Hat Community Platform Engineering team. There, she served as a project manager, product owner, and general “cat herder”.
You can find Aoife on chat.fedoraproject.org as @amoloney:fedora.im
, and she is happy to talk about anything.
The Fedora Operations Architect is primarily responsible for coordinating technical change in the project. They work closely with a number of groups across the Fedora Project and have a range of responsibilities in each.
Manage the Changes Process
Shepherd Change proposals through the Changes process
Work with Change Owners to present their Changes to the community
Create tracker issues for accepted changes
Track the status of Changes during the development/testing cycle
Manage Release Coordination
Coordinate Engineering release readiness (e.g. Quality Team, Release Engineering, FESCo, etc.)
Coordinate Mindshare release readiness (e.g. Marketing Team, Websites & Apps Team, Docs Team, Fedora Magazine, etc.)
Manage the Spins keep-alive process
Perform mass updates of bugs at branch and end-of-life time
Work with the Fedora Council
Serve as a member of the Fedora Council
Act as Fedora Council secretary
Prepare Council meeting agendas
Periodically review backlog of Fedora Council tickets
Chair meetings
Invite community stakeholders to present periodically in video meeting updates
Support the advancement of strategic Community Initiatives
Act as a Council stakeholder to teams within the project
Represent community interests around the schedule and change management to the Council
To the Fedora community
Running elections for Fedora Council, Mindshare and FESCo
Support elected teams with documentation and permissions changes (if needed) after an election ends
Ad hoc election support for other teams when needed
Provide the community with regular reports on the activities of the project
Participate in various community teams, eg Community Operations
Assist the Community Architect in coordinating Fedora flagship events (e.g. Flock/Nest, Release Parties)
Take part in (and sometimes host!) all fun community events!
This is a new role for Fedora, as of October 2023.
What about Fedora Program Manager (FPgM)?
In 2007, Red Hat began providing Fedora with assistance through a funded role in the company’s Program Management organization. In 2023, structural changes at the company eliminated this position. The Fedora Operations Architect is a new role situated in Linux Engineering at Red Hat, designed to be more closely aligned in both definition and practice with Fedora’s unique needs.
Former Fedora Program Managers
Ben Cotton (Fedora Linux 29–38)
Jan Kuřík (Fedora 23-28)
Jaroslav Řezník (Fedora 20-23)
Robyn Bergeron (Fedora 17-20)
John Poelstra (Fedora 8-16)
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