Pages with tag dnf

Adicionando ou removendo repositórios de software no Fedora

Esta seção descreve como adicionar, habilitar ou desabilitar um repositório de software com o aplicativo DNF. Adding repositories This section describes how to add software repositories with the dnf config-manager… Read more

Atualizações Automáticas

Você deve decidir se deseja usar atualizações automáticas do DNF em cada uma de suas máquinas. Existem vários argumentos a favor e contra as atualizações automáticas a serem considerados. No… Read more

DNF Package Manager Quick Reference

This sections lists the most useful commands provided by the dnf utility. For a complete list of commands, options, and their syntax, see the dnf(8) man page. dnf help command… Read more

DNF and its APT command equivalents on Fedora

APT é o gerenciador de pacotes / solucionador de dependências para o ecossistema Debian, ou seja, ele gerencia pacotes .deb instalados pelo programa DPKG. O software Fedora é baseado em… Read more

Usando o software gerenciador de pacotes DNF

DNF is a software package manager that installs, updates, and removes packages on Fedora and is the successor to YUM (Yellow-Dog Updater Modified). DNF makes it easy to maintain packages… Read more

Installing Docker and Docker-Compose

Overview This guide provides useful information about installing Docker and Docker-Compose using rpms available from Fedora. The role of Podman and related packages is also discussed. The Docker community also… Read more

Instalando o Spotify no Fedora

Spotify é um serviço proprietário de streaming de música compatível com diversas plataformas. Spotify é um serviço freemium, com propagandas que podem ser removidas ao pagar por uma assinatura. Apesar… Read more

Kubernetes Basics

Kubernetes Defined Kubernetes is an "open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications" on one or more machines. Kubernetes automates many of the tasks necessary to deploy,… Read more

Versioned CRI-O and CRI-Tools RPMs

Overview CRI-O and CRI-Tools are independent software packages available in Fedora repositories that are version matched to Kubernetes. If Kubernetes 1.30 is installed, then, when installed, CRI-O and CRI-Tools should… Read more

Creating a Kubernetes cluster on Fedora

Creating a Kubernetes cluster with kubeadm using Fedora rpms Below is a guide to creating a functional Kubernetes cluster on a single Fedora machine that is suitable as a learning… Read more

Resilient kubelet configuration

kubelet overview The kubelet is the Kubernetes agent that runs on every node in a cluster. kubelet is installed using the kubernetes rpm (e.g. kubernetes1.30 is a versioned rpm for… Read more

Non-versioned Kubernetes RPMS on Fedora

Overview Non-versioned Kubernetes RPMS are the standard rpm format for Kubernetes through Fedora 40. Fedora 41 contains both versioned and non-versioned rpms. Non-versioned Kubernetes rpms in Fedora The number, name,… Read more

Versioned Kubernetes RPMS on Fedora

Overview Versioned Kubernetes rpms were introduced in Fedora 41 and will be the format used in subsequent releases. Past practice had one version of Kubernetes available for each Fedora release.… Read more

Using Kubernetes on Fedora

Overview This guide provides useful information about Kubernetes and the Kubernetes rpms available from Fedora. Starting with Fedora 41 the packaging standard for Kubernetes changed from one version of Kubernetes… Read more