Versioned CRI-O and CRI-Tools RPMs
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The Container Runtime Interface(CRI) is the plugin interface used by the
to communicate with the container runtime on each node that launches pods and their containers. There are several implementations of CRI including CRI-O and containerd.kubelet
CRI-O is available in Fedora repositories as versioned rpms in parallel with Kubernetes. If kubernetes1.30 is installed and CRI-O is the designated CRI implementation, then cri-o1.30 needs to be installed.
CRI-O configuration options are set in /etc/crio/crio.conf
. This file is managed by rpm and therefore replaced when a versioned CRI-O package is replaced by another package (not counting patch level updates) such as when the cri-o1.30 rpm is replaced by the cri-o1.31 rpm. One method to create and manage custom CRI-O conifiguration settings that persist across updates is to take advantage of CRI-O support for a drop-in configuration. The default drop-in subdirectory is /etc/crio/crio.conf.d/
. Settings in configuration files placed in the drop-in directory take precedence over the same setting in the default configuration file /etc/crio/crio.conf
. If multiple drop-in configuration files have the same setting, the file that is sorted last in lexical order will have precedence. See crio.conf.d man file for additional information.
See Resilient kubelet configuration for related kublet
configuration options.
CRI-Tools is a command line interface to any implementation of the CLI. CRI-Tools is available from the Kubernetes team. It is required when using
to initialize a cluster.kubeadm
CRI-Tools is available in Fedora repositories as versioned rpms in parallel with Kubernetes. If kubernetes1.30 and kubernetes1.30-kubeadm are installed then cri-tools1.30 needs to be installed.
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