Fedora Mentored Project Representative


Fedora has been participating in fedora has been a participant of GSoC, GSoD and Outreachy. All the three are program which runs throughout the year and need attention of a dedicated person.

Can I join in as a representative?

Mindshare sees value in having selected seat assigned to a someone who will be taking care of the following responsibilities.

  • Making sure GSoC, GSoD and Outreachy applications are submitted on time.

  • Coordinating with GSoC, GSoD and Outreachy admins for common work like intern’s intro interviews, weekly/biweekly/monthly reports on their work, community involvement, etc.

  • Identify and segregate projects suggested on mentored project issues for GSoC/Outreachy/GSoD.

  • Explore similar programs that can fit in mentored projects and see if it’s feasible (like rails girls).

  • Market and spread news of summer coding programs with other SIG members to attract more participation.

  • Be one point of contact for communication around relevant topics.

  • Be involved in mindshare committee with ticket approvals, decision making, and other things that mindshare seat is expected to do.

  • Attend weekly meetings (if possible).

  • Retain students and effectively show the students the pathway to be long term Fedora contributor.

Support the current representative

This is an Selected seat which means that people who are interested in working as mentored project rep can actually help the current represenative to learn "how to do things right"