Aprovisionando Fedora CoreOS sobre Alibaba Cloud (Aliyun)

This guide shows how to provision new Fedora CoreOS (FCOS) nodes on Alibaba Cloud. Fedora currently does not publish Fedora CoreOS images within Alibaba Cloud, so you must download an Alibaba Cloud image from Fedora and upload it to one of your Object Storage Service (OSS) buckets.

Requisitos previos

Antes de aprovisionar una máquina FCOS, usted debe tener un archivo de configuración Ignition que contenga sus personalizaciones. Si no tiene uno vea Produciendo un Archivo Ignition.

Fedora CoreOS tiene un usuario core predeterminado que puede ser usado para explorar el SO. Si usted desea utilizarlo finalice su configuración proporcionando una clave SSH.

Si no desea usar Ignition para empezar, puede usar Soporte Afterburn.

También necesita tener acceso a una cuenta Alibaba Cloud y activar el Servicio de Almacenamiento de Objeto (OSS). Los ejemplos siguientes usan Alibaba Cloud CLI y jq como línea de comandos del procesador JSON.

Descargando una imagen Alibaba Cloud

Fedora CoreOS está diseñado para ser actualizado automáticamente con diferentes horarios por transmisión. Una vez que haya elegido la transmisión relevante, descargue, verifique y descomprima la última imagen Alibaba Cloud:

coreos-installer download --decompress -s "${STREAM}" -p aliyun -f qcow2.xz

Alternatively, you can manually download an Alibaba Cloud image from the download page. Verify the download, following the instructions on that page, and decompress it.

Uploading the image to Alibaba Cloud

  1. Create any bucket that doesn’t already exist in your Alibaba Cloud account with a globally unique name or reuse an existing bucket:

    Example creating Alibaba Cloud OSS (Object Storage Service) bucket
    aliyun oss mb "${BUCKET_URL}" --region="${REGION}" --acl=private
  2. Upload an FCOS image:

    Example uploading FCOS to an Alibaba Cloud OSS bucket
    aliyun oss cp "${DOWNLOADED_IMAGE}" "${BUCKET_URL}/${IMAGE_BLOB}" \
        --region="${REGION}" --acl=private
  3. Import uploaded FCOS image:

    Example importing FCOS to Alibaba Cloud ECS
    TASK_ID=$(aliyun ecs ImportImage \
        --region="${REGION}" \
        --DiskDeviceMapping.1.OSSBucket="${BUCKET_NAME}" \
        --DiskDeviceMapping.1.OSSObject="${IMAGE_BLOB}" \
        --ImageName="${IMAGE_NAME}" \
        | jq --raw-output .TaskId)
  4. Wait until the image was successfully imported

    Example waiting with a timeout equal to one hour
    aliyun ecs DescribeTasks --region="${REGION}" --TaskIds="${TASK_ID}" \
        --waiter expr='TaskSet.Task[0].TaskStatus' to=Finished timeout=3600
  5. Determine id of imported FCOS image:

    Example determining id of the imported FCOS image
    IMAGE_ID=$(aliyun ecs DescribeImages --region="${REGION}" --ImageName="${IMAGE_NAME}" \
        | jq --raw-output .Images.Image[0].ImageId)
  6. Delete uploaded blob

    Example deleting uploaded blob
    aliyun oss rm "${BUCKET_URL}/${IMAGE_BLOB}" --region "${REGION}"

Creating a VSwitch

There exists no default VPCs or VSwitches in Alibaba Cloud. Hence, for creating any instances a VSwitch must exist. Pick some existing or create one with the following steps.

  1. Create a new VPC:

    Example creating a new VPC
    VPC_ID=$(aliyun vpc CreateVpc --region="${REGION}" \
        --CidrBlock="${VPC_CIDR}" --VpcName="${VPC_NAME}" \
        | jq --raw-output .VpcId)
  2. Pick some availability zone for creating a VSwitch:

    Example pick some availability zone
    ZONE_ID=$(aliyun ecs DescribeZones --region="${REGION}" \
        | jq --raw-output .Zones.Zone[0].ZoneId)
  3. Create a new VSwitch:

    Example creating a new VSwitch
    VSWITCH_ID=$(aliyun vpc CreateVSwitch \
        --region="${REGION}" \
        --CidrBlock="${VSWITCH_CIDR}" \
        --VpcId="${VPC_ID}" \
        --VSwitchName="${VSWITCH_NAME}" \
        --ZoneId="${ZONE_ID}" \
        | jq --raw-output .VSwitchId)

Launching an ECS instance

  1. Upload an SSH public key to Alibaba Cloud ECS

    Example uploading an SSH public key
    PUBLIC_KEY_PATH="<Please fill the path to your public key>"
    aliyun ecs ImportKeyPair --region="${REGION}" \
        --KeyPairName="${KEY_PAIR_NAME}" --PublicKeyBody="${PUBLIC_KEY_BODY}"
  2. Creating an ECS instance

    Example creating ECS instance
    INSTANCE_ID=$(aliyun ecs CreateInstance \
        --region="${REGION}" \
        --KeyPairName="${KEY_PAIR_NAME}" \
        --ImageId="${IMAGE_ID}" \
        --InstanceName="${INSTANCE_NAME}" \
        --InstanceType="${INSTANCE_TYPE}" \
        --InternetChargeType=PayByTraffic \
        --InternetMaxBandwidthIn=5 \
        --InternetMaxBandwidthOut=5 \
        --VSwitchId="${VSWITCH_ID}" \
        | jq --raw-output .InstanceId)
  3. Allocate a public IPv4 address for the previously created instance

    Example allocating a public IP address
    PUBLIC_IP=$(aliyun ecs AllocatePublicIpAddress \
        --region="${REGION}" --InstanceId="${INSTANCE_ID}" \
        | jq --raw-output .IpAddress)
  4. Start the instance

    Example starting an instance
    aliyun ecs StartInstance --region="${REGION}" --InstanceId="${INSTANCE_ID}"
  5. Wait until the instance is running

    Example waiting and determining the public IP address
    aliyun ecs DescribeInstanceStatus --InstanceId.1="$INSTANCE_ID" --region="${REGION}" \
        --waiter expr='InstanceStatuses.InstanceStatus[0].Status' to=Running timeout=600
  6. Connect to the new instance via SSH

    Ejemplo de conexión
    ssh core@"${PUBLIC_IP}"

You can start a customized instance with your Ignition file by adding the parameter --UserData=$(cat <Path to your Ignition config> | base64 -w0) to the aliyun ecs CreateInstance command that creates a new instance.