Aprovisionamiento de Fedora CoreOS en DigitalOcean

Esta guía muestra como aprovisionar los nuevos nodos Fedora CoreOS (FCOS) en DigitalOcean. Las imágenes de Fedora CoreOS no se publican edn la actualidad directamente en DigitalOcean, de modo que usted debe descargar una imagen Fedora CoreOS DigitalOcean y subirla a su cuenta DigitalOcean como una imagen personalizada.

Requisitos previos

Antes de aprovisionar una máquina FCOS, usted debe tener un archivo de configuración Ignition que contenga sus personalizaciones. Si no tiene uno vea Produciendo un Archivo Ignition.

Fedora CoreOS tiene un usuario core predeterminado que puede ser usado para explorar el SO. Si usted desea utilizarlo finalice su configuración proporcionando una clave SSH.

Si no desea usar Ignition para empezar, puede usar Soporte Afterburn.

You also need to have access to a DigitalOcean account. The examples below use the doctl command-line tool and jq as a command-line JSON processor.

Creating a DigitalOcean custom image

Fedora CoreOS is designed to be updated automatically, with different schedules per stream.

  1. Once you have picked the relevant stream, find the corresponding DigitalOcean image on the download page and copy the URL of the Download link.

  2. Create the custom image:

    Example uploading FCOS to a DigitalOcean custom image
    doctl compute image create my-fcos-image --region sfo2 --image-url <download-url>
    # Wait for image creation to finish
    while ! doctl compute image list-user --output json | jq -c '.[] | select(.name=="my-fcos-image")' | grep available; do sleep 5; done

The above command uploads the image and waits until it is ready to be used. This process can take a long time, in our testing we have seen it take up to 15 minutes. Wait time is dependent on upload speeds and platform load.

Launching a droplet

  1. If you don’t already have an SSH key uploaded to DigitalOcean, upload one:

    Example uploading an SSH key to DigitalOcean
    doctl compute ssh-key create my-key --public-key "$(cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub)"
  2. Launch a droplet. Your Ignition configuration can be passed to the VM as its user data, or you can skip passing user data if you just want SSH access. This provides an easy way to test out FCOS without first creating an Ignition config.

    When creating a FCOS DigitalOcean droplet, you must specify an SSH key for the droplet, even if you plan to inject SSH keys via Ignition.

    Example launching FCOS on DigitalOcean using an Ignition configuration file
    image_id=$(doctl compute image list-user | grep my-fcos-image | cut -f1 -d ' ')
    key_id=$(doctl compute ssh-key list | grep my-key | cut -f1 -d ' ')
    doctl compute droplet create my-fcos-droplet --image "${image_id}" --region sfo2 --size s-2vcpu-2gb --user-data-file <ignition-config-path> --ssh-keys "${key_id}" --wait
    While the DigitalOcean documentation mentions cloud-init and scripts, FCOS does not support cloud-init or the ability to run scripts from user-data. It accepts only Ignition configuration files.
  3. Ahora debería poder acceder mediante SSH a la instancia usando la dirección IP asociada.

    Ejemplo de conexión
    ssh core@<ip address>