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Mempersiapkan Instalasi

Bab ini menjelaskan langkah yang perlu diambil sebelum Anda memulai instalasi. Tidak setiap langkah harus diikuti secara ketat - misalnya, jika Anda berencana untuk menggunakan pengaturan instalasi default, Anda tidak perlu mengumpulkan informasi sistem seperti label perangkat disk/UUID atau informasi jaringan seperti alamat IP sistem. Namun, Anda masih harus melewati bab ini, karena ini juga menjelaskan jenis media instalasi yang tersedia dan bagaimana mempersiapkan media boot dan sumber instalasi.

Tingkatkan atau Pasang Baru?

Jika Anda sudah menginstal Fedora dan ingin meningkatkan instalasi Anda ke versi saat ini, ada dua cara dasar untuk melakukannya:

Upgrade otomatis menggunakan dnf system upgrade

Cara yang lebih disukai untuk meningkatkan sistem Anda adalah upgrade otomatis menggunakan utilitas dnf system upgrade. Untuk informasi tentang melakukan upgrade otomatis, lihat dnf system upgrade Wiki Fedora.

Instalasi Ulang Manual

You can upgrade to the latest version of Fedora manually instead of relying on dnf system upgrade. This involves booting the installer as if you were performing a clean installation, letting it detect your existing Fedora system, and overwriting the root partition while preserving data on other partitions and volumes. The same process can also be used to reinstall the system, if you need to. For detailed information, see Manual System Upgrade or Reinstallation.

Selalu cadangkan data Anda sebelum melakukan upgrade atau instal ulang sistem Anda, apa pun metode yang Anda pilih.

Mengunduh Image Boot dan Instalasi

The Fedora Project offers different Editions tailored for some specific use cases. Choose the Fedora Edition best for you, or you can build your own by customizing after the installation, or by using a kickstart file as described in Creating a Kickstart File. Kickstart installation requires the netinstall media type, or a direct installation booting method such as PXE; kickstarts are not supported with live images.

Read more about Fedora Workstation, Fedora Cloud, Fedora Server and the available media types in Downloading Fedora.

You can also choose a Fedora Spin featuring favorite alternative desktops or tools for specialized tasks at

Memverifikasi Image yang Diunduh

Karena kesalahan transmisi atau masalah lain mungkin merusak image Fedora yang telah Anda unduh, penting untuk memverifikasi integritas berkas. Setelah image dibuat, operasi dilakukan pada image yang menghasilkan nilai yang disebut checksum menggunakan algoritma matematika yang kompleks. Operasi ini cukup kompleks sehingga sebarang perubahan pada berkas asli akan menghasilkan checksum yang berbeda.

By calculating the image’s checksum on your own computer and comparing it to the original checksum, you can verify the image has not been tampered with or corrupted. The original checksum values are provided at, and are gpg signed to demonstrate their integrity.

Memverifikasi checksum pada sistem Windows
Memverifikasi checksum pada sistem Windows
  1. Download the Fedora image of your choice from and the corresponding checksum file from

  2. Buka sesi powershell.

  3. Pindah ke direktori yang berisi berkas yang diunduh.

    > cd $HOME\Downloads\
    > ls
    Direktori: C:\Users\Pete\Downloads
    Mode                LastWriteTime         Length  Name
    ----                -------------         ------  ----
    -a---        11/25/2014  12:39 PM            272  Fedora-Server-21-x86_64-CHECKSUM
    -a---        11/25/2014  12:39 PM     2047868928  Fedora-Server-DVD-x86_64-21.iso
  4. Muat sumber daya yang diperlukan untuk menghitung checksum.

    > $image = "Fedora-Server-DVD-x86_64-21.iso"
    > $checksum_file = "Fedora-Server-21-x86_64-CHECKSUM"
    > $sha256 = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.sha256CryptoServiceProvider
    > $expected_checksum = ((Get-Content $checksum_file | Select-String -Pattern $image) -split " ")[0].ToLower()
  5. Hitung checksum image yang diunduh. Ini akan memakan waktu lama!

    > $download_checksum = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($sha256.ComputeHash([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("$PWD\$image"))).ToLower() -replace '-', ''
  6. Bandingkan checksum yang dihitung ke checksum yang diharapkan.

    > echo "Checksum Unduhan: $download_checksum"
    > echo "Checksum Harapan: $expected_checksum"
    > if ( $download_checksum -eq "$expected_checksum" ) {
    echo "Uji checksum lolos!"
    } else {
    echo "Uji checksum gagal."
Memverifikasi checksum pada sistem Linux dan OSX
Memverifikasi checksum pada sistem Linux dan OSX
  1. Download the Fedora image of your choice from and the corresponding checksum file from

  2. Buka jendela terminal, dan navigasikan ke direktori dengan berkas yang diunduh.

    $ cd ~/Downloads
  3. Gunakan utilitas yang sesuai untuk memverifikasi checksum image.

    • Untuk Linux:

      $ sha256sum -c *CHECKSUM
    • Untuk OSX:

      $ shasum -a 256 -c *CHECKSUM

Mempersiapkan Media Boot

Image Fedora adalah ISO Hibrida dan dapat digunakan untuk membuat media instalasi dengan disk optik dan USB, untuk boot pada sistem BIOS dan UEFI.

Fedora Media Writer and Universal USB Creators

Fedora Media Writer has been improved and is now the default way to make bootable media. Fedora Media Writer supports Linux, Mac, and Windows. It is an easy way to make bootable USB media to install Fedora (or other operating systems). While use of Fedora Media Writer is strongly encouraged, other USB media creation software can work as well.

Some of the new additions to Fedora Media Writer are that Fedora Workstation and Server are the first choices on the main screen. However more choices are available if you select the button below "Custom OS". Options like Fedora Spins will appear. Fedora Spins such as XFCE and Mate will be selectable.

Universal USB creation tools such as Unetbootin are a historically popular way to create USB installers from ISOs intended for optical media. They typically function by creating a filesystem on the USB drive, extracting files from the image, and writing syslinux bootloader to the device.

These methods circumvent the boot-loader configuration built into Fedora images, which are pre-partitioned and designed to boot on UEFI systems with SecureBoot enabled as well as BIOS systems. They do not produce a consistent result with Fedora’s images, especially for use with UEFI systems.

Utilities that use a direct write method, and do not modify the Fedora image, will produce the most consistently successful results.

Be sure you choose the right device!

Most media creation methods in this section are destructive. Ensure you do not need any data on the USB stick, and double check you have chosen the correct device before continuing.

Creating USB Media on Windows
  1. Download the latest Windows Installer file from Marin Briza’s github page:

  2. Run the installation by double clicking it, and then clicking next through the set-up wizard. The Wizard gives you the options to customize the software’s installation if you choose to.

  3. In Windows 8 and 10, the application will be under "all apps" under F for Fedora Media Writer. Or in Windows 10, you can just type Fedora Media Writer in the search box on the task bar.

  4. Pilih Fedora Edition yang Anda ingin buat bootable USB drive-nya.

    Gambar Layar Utama Fedora Media Writer
    Figure 1. Layar Utama Fedora Media Writer: Pilih Edisi Fedora Anda
  5. If you choose one of the beginning default Fedora editions, such as Fedora workstation or server. Fedora Media Writer will give you information and details about it before you proceed with the download and USB creation. For Fedora Workstation, you can choose a different architecture, such as 32bit if you select "other architectures". Otherwise select "Create Live USB" to proceed.

    Gambar Layar Informasi Distro Fedora Media Writer
    Figure 2. Informasi Distro Fedora Media Writer
  6. Fedora Media Writer will automatically download the ISO for you, but if you all-ready have it in your Downloads directory it will be immediately available to use.

    Gambar Unduh Otomatis Fedora Media Writer
    Figure 3. Unduh Otomatis Fedora Media Writer
  7. After the download completes, or when Fedora Media Writer is ready. Plug in a USB drive you wish to use as a bootable media.

  8. Click the red "Write to disk" button.

    Gambar Fedora Media Writer menulis ke perangkat tombol merah
    Figure 4. Fedora Media Writer Menulis ke Perangkat USB
Creating USB Media with Fedora Media Writer.
  1. On Fedora 25 or later, you can download Fedora Media Writer with the command:

    $ sudo dnf install mediawriter
  2. You can call Fedora Media Writer by issuing the command:

    $ sudo mediawriter

    or in Gnome 3 by selecting Activities, then selecting Utilities, and then selecting Fedora Media Writer.

  3. Pilih Fedora Edition yang Anda ingin buat bootable USB drive-nya.

    Gambar Layar Utama Fedora Media Writer
    Figure 5. Layar Utama Fedora Media Writer: Pilih Edisi Fedora Anda
  4. If you choose one of the beginning default Fedora editions, such as Fedora workstation or server. Fedora Media Writer will give you information and details about it before you proceed with the download and USB creation. For Fedora Workstation, you can choose a different architecture, such as 32bit if you select "other architectures". Otherwise select "Create Live USB" to proceed.

    Gambar Layar Informasi Distro Fedora Media Writer
    Figure 6. Informasi Distro Fedora Media Writer
  5. Fedora Media Writer will automatically download the ISO for you, but if you all-ready have it in your Downloads directory it will be immediately available to use.

    Gambar Unduh Otomatis Fedora Media Writer
    Figure 7. Unduh Otomatis Fedora Media Writer
  6. After the download completes, or when Fedora Media Writer is ready. Plug in a USB drive you wish to use as a bootable media.

  7. Click the red "Write to disk" button.

    Gambar Fedora Media Writer menulis ke perangkat tombol merah
    Figure 8. Fedora Media Writer Menulis ke Perangkat USB
Creating USB Media on Macintosh
  1. Download the latest Macintosh Disk Image (the package will have a .dmg extension) from Marin Briza’s github page:

  2. Open the .dmg file and copy the mediawriter file into your applications folder.

  3. Navigate to your applications directory, and then launch the mediawriter app.

  4. Mac OS will then ask if you are sure you want to open the file (it is from the internet after all), select "Open" to run the program.

  5. Pilih Fedora Edition yang Anda ingin buat bootable USB drive-nya.

    Gambar Layar Utama Fedora Media Writer
    Figure 9. Layar Utama Fedora Media Writer: Pilih Edisi Fedora Anda
  6. If you choose one of the beginning default Fedora editions, such as Fedora workstation or server. Fedora Media Writer will give you information and details about it before you proceed with the download and USB creation. For Fedora Workstation, you can choose a different architecture, such as 32bit if you select "other architectures". Otherwise select "Create Live USB" to proceed.

    Gambar Layar Informasi Distro Fedora Media Writer
    Figure 10. Informasi Distro Fedora Media Writer
  7. Fedora Media Writer will automatically download the ISO for you, but if you all-ready have it in your Downloads directory it will be immediately available to use.

    Gambar Unduh Otomatis Fedora Media Writer
    Figure 11. Unduh Otomatis Fedora Media Writer
  8. After the download completes, or when Fedora Media Writer is ready. Plug in a USB drive you wish to use as a bootable media.

  9. Click the red "Write to disk" button.

    Gambar Fedora Media Writer menulis ke perangkat tombol merah
    Figure 12. Fedora Media Writer Menulis ke Perangkat USB
Membuat media USB dengan GNOME Disks
  1. Pada sistem dengan GNOME, atau dengan paket gnome-disk-utility terinstal, buka Disks menggunakan menu sistem.

  2. Klik perangkat USB Anda di kolom sebelah kiri.

  3. Klik ikon menu di sudut kanan atas jendela, dan pilih opsi Pulihkan Image Diska.

  4. Arahkan ke berkas image Anda dan klik Mulai Memulihkan. Setelah beberapa menit, itu akan melaporkan proses selesai dan media instalasi Anda akan siap untuk digunakan.

Membuat USB media pada baris perintah Linux
  1. Buka jendela terminal dan masukkan drive USB.

  2. Temukan node perangkat yang ditetapkan ke drive. Dalam contoh di bawah ini, drive diberikan sdd.

    $ dmesg|tail
    [288954.686557] usb 2-1.8: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=1, SerialNumber=2
    [288954.686559] usb 2-1.8: Product: USB Storage
    [288954.686562] usb 2-1.8: SerialNumber: 000000009225
    [288954.712590] usb-storage 2-1.8:1.0: USB Mass Storage device detected
    [288954.712687] scsi host6: usb-storage 2-1.8:1.0
    [288954.712809] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
    [288954.716682] usbcore: registered new interface driver uas
    [288955.717140] scsi 6:0:0:0: Direct-Access     Generic  STORAGE DEVICE   9228 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0
    [288955.717745] sd 6:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg4 type 0
    [288961.876382] sd 6:0:0:0: sdd Attached SCSI removable disk
  3. Use the dd utility to write the image. Make sure you have the right drive!

    # dd if=/path/to/Fedora-Live-Security-x86_64-21.iso of=/dev/sdd
Membuat CD atau DVD Boot

Selain membuat bootable USB flash drive, Anda juga dapat menggunakan image ISO yang disediakan untuk membuat media optik bootable (CD atau DVD). Pendekatan ini mungkin diperlukan ketika menginstal Fedora pada sistem yang lebih tua yang tidak dapat boot dari USB.

Langkah yang tepat yang perlu Anda ambil untuk membakar CD atau DVD bootable dari image ISO akan bervariasi tergantung pada apa perangkat lunak pembakaran disk yang Anda gunakan. Prosedur ini hanya menawarkan gambaran umum.

  1. Masukkan CD atau DVD kosong ke pembakar CD atau DVD sistem Anda.

  2. Buka perangkat lunak pembakaran sistem Anda - misalnya, Brasero pada sistem Fedora dengan lingkungan desktop GNOME, atau Nero pada sistem Windows. Dalam menu utama perangkat lunak, temukan opsi yang memungkinkan Anda membakar image ISO ke disk. Misalnya, dalam Brasero, pilihan ini adalah Bakar image di menu utama pada sisi kiri jendela.

  3. Ketika diminta, pilih ISO image dari Fedora untuk dibakar, dan pembakar CD atau DVD dengan disk kosong di dalamnya (jika Anda memiliki lebih dari satu drive).

  4. Konfirmasikan pilihan Anda, dan tunggu hingga disk dibakar.