시스템 관리자를 위한 페도라 40의 변경 사항

설치자 변경

페도라 아나콘다 설치자 및 킥스타트와 같은 연관된 구성에서 변경 목록을 위해, 업스트림 출시 기록을 참고하세요.

페도라 사물인터넷(IoT) 부팅 가능한 컨테이너

현재 페도라 사물인터넷(IoT) 배포판을 위해 사용 가능한 부팅 이미지입니다. 이는 사용자가 자신의 환경 및 생태계에 더 적합한 페도라 사물인터넷(IoT)를 사용하려는 새로운 방식을 제공하며, 광범위한 채택을 허용합니다.

당신은 공식적인 페도라 사물인터넷(IoT) 부분에서 새로운 이미지를 내려 받을 수 있습니다. 문서에서도 볼 수 있습니다.

389 디렉토리 서버 3.0.0

페도라 40은 이전 출시에서 사용 가능한 버전 2.4.4에서 상당히 향상된 389 디렉토리 서버의 신규 주요 출시를 제공합니다.

한 가지 주요 변경 사항은 이번 버전부터, 이전 기본값인 BerkeleyDB 대신에, 기본값으로 LMDB를 사용하여 신규 예시가 생성된다는 것입니다. 더 많은 정보를 위해 여기를 참고하세요.

pam_userdb를 BerkeleyDB에서 GDBM까지 전환합니다

`pam_userdb`는 BerkelyDB를 위해 지원되도록 제작되었지만, 이와 같은 프로젝트는 개방형 원천에서 더 이상 유지보수 되지 않아서, 페도라 40에서는 GDBM으로 대체되었습니다. 전환하는 방법에 대한 정보를 위해 페도라 시스템 관리자 안내를 참고하세요.

열거 특성을 위한 지원은 AD 및 IPA 지원에서 제거되었습니다

열거 특성은 인수 없이 getent passwd 또는 getent group' 을 사용하는 모든 사용자 또는 그룹을 나열하도록 기능을 제공합니다. `열거 특성을 위한 지원은 AD 및 FreeIPA 제공자에서 제거되었습니다.

sss_ssh_knownhostsproxy 도구는 향후 출시에서 제거 될 것입니다

sss_ssh_knownhostsproxy 도구는 더 이상 사용되지 않고 더 효율적인 도구로 새롭게 대체될 것입니다. 자세히 알기 위해 업스트림 티켓을 참조하세요.

SSSD 파일 제공자 제거 중

Previously deprecated SSSD "files provider" feature that allows handling of local users has been removed in Fedora 40. This does not affect default configuration where local users are handled by glibc module (libnss_files.so.2), which is most cases. In case of specific configuration that requires SSSD to handle local users (smart card authentication or session recording of local users), switch to proxy provider instead. If you fall into one of these use cases, see the upstream documentation for more details.

Authselect minimal profile replaced by local

The minimal profile for Authselect is now replaced by local. The new local profile is based on minimal but gains additional optional features, it is used to serve local users and groups without SSSD. This migration from minimal to local profile is performed automatically with a new installation or upgrade to Fedora 40 and users are not affected. However, users should adapt their scripts to the new local profile since the minimal profile is no longer available.

bogofilter to use SQLite

Bogofilter (bogofilter package) is a fast anti-spam filtering mechanism that uses Bayesian statistical analysis to classify emails as either spam or non-spam. It uses Berkeley DB (libdb package) as its database engine for storing word probabilities and other relevant data used in the filtering process.

With this release, Bogofilter switched its database engine from Berkeley DB to SQLite, because Fedora deprecated the libdb package.

Bogofilter supports only one database backend at a time, therefore the updated bogofilter package will be unable to process the libdb data. As a result, the new package provides a migration script. Alternatively, you can migrate your word lists manually with this command bogomigrate-berkeley ~/.bogofilter/wordlist.db.

Podman 5

The podman container engine has been upgraded to version 5, which provides multiple bug fixes and enhancements. Notable changes include:

  • Dropped support for cgroups version 1 (environments have to switch to cgroups version 2)

  • 더 이상 사용하지 않는 컨테이너 네트워크 연결장치(CNI) 플러그인 (환경은 netavark 스택으로 전환해야 합니다)

  • 더 이상 사용되지 않는 BoldDB

  • Set passt as the default rootless network service instead of slirp4netns

  • containers.conf 파일의 개선된 다루기

  • 개선된 유용성을 보장하는 데 격리된 podman 바인딩

전체 최신화 부분을 위해, 업스트림 출시 기록을 참고하세요.

ROCm 6

The ROCm stack for graphics processing unit (GPU) computation has been updated to version 6, which provides multiple bug fixes and enhancements. Notable changes include:

  • Improved performance in areas like lower precision math and attention layers

  • New hipSPARSELt library to accelerate AI workloads through the AMD sparse matrix core technique

  • Latest support for AI frameworks like PyTorch, TensorFlow, and JAX

  • DeepSpeed, ONNX-RT 및 Cupy와 같은 라이브러리를 위한 신규지원

전체 최신화 부분을 위해, 업스트림 출시 기록을 참고하세요.

스트라티스 3.6

이와 같은 향상은 stratisd 3.6.7 및 stratis-cli 3.6.0의 신규 출시를 포함합니다.

이들 출시는 다양한 개선, 결점 수정 및 관리 변경 부분이 포함되어 있습니다. 다음은 변경된 간략한 요약입니다.

stratisd 3.6.7 includes a fix to a bug introduced in stratisd 3.6.6 which caused the stratis-min pool start command to fail if the pool was encrypted and the password to unlock the pool was specified on the command-line. It also includes a fix to a bug introduced in stratisd 3.6.4 which prevented automatically unlocking a pool when mounting a filesystem specified in /etc/fstab.

stratisd 3.6.6 fixes a bug where it would be possible to misreport the PID of an already running instance of stratisd when attempting to start another instance. It also includes restrictions on the size of the string values in the Stratis pool-level metadata.

stratisd 3.6.5 includes a modification to its internal locking mechanism which allows a lock which does not conflict with a currently held lock to precede a lock that does. This change relaxes a fairness restriction that gave precedence to locks based solely on the order in which they had been placed on a wait queue.

stratisd 3.6.4 includes a fix for stratisd-min handling of the start command sent by stratis-min to unencrypted pools. It also captures and logs errors messages emitted by the thin_check or mkfs.xfs executables.

stratisd 3.6.3 explicitly sets the nrext64 option to 0 when invoking mkfs.xfs. A recent version of XFS changed the default for nrext64 to 1. Explicitly setting the value to 0 prevents stratisd from creating XFS filesystems that are unmountable on earlier kernels.

stratisd 3.6.2 includes a fix in the way thin devices are allocated in order to avoid misalignment of distinct sections of the thin data device. Such misalignments may result in a performance degradation.

stratisd 3.6.1 includes a fix to correct a problem where stratisd would fail to unlock a pool if the pool was encrypted using both Clevis and the kernel keyring methods but the key in the kernel keyring was unavailable.

stratisd 3.6.0 extends its functionality to allow a user to set a limit on the size of a filesystem and includes a number of additional enhancements.

The stratis-cli 3.6.0 command-line interface has been extended with an additional option to set the filesystem size limit on creation and two new filesystem commands, set-size-limit and unset-size-limit, to set or unset the filesystem size limit after a filesystem has been created.

All releases include sundry internal improvements, conveniences, and minor bug fixes.

Please see the stratisd changelog and the stratis-cli changelog for further details.

델타 RPMs 제거

Delta RPM (DRPM) is a feature, which reduces the time and data required to update packages by downloading only the differences (deltas) between the old and the new version of an RPM package. Based on your current version and the delta, your system then locally re-assembles a complete RPM package with a new version of software.

With this Fedora release, DRPMs will no longer be generated during the compose process. Also, the DRPM support in dnf and dnf5 will be disabled by default. Some of the most notable reasons for this change are as follows:

  • It is not possible to produce DRPMs for all packages, because of the way DRPMs are generated during the compose process. As a result, this can lead to upgrades that involve hundreds of packages, but only a small fraction of them (or none at all) have appropriate DRPMs available in the repository.

  • The re-construction of a new RPM version can fail. This causes an additional download of the complete RPM for the new version.

  • The presence of DRPMs in repositories inflate the size of the repository metadata. That metadata need to be downloaded by all users, whether the actual upgrade involves DRPMs or not.

이와 같은 변경은 다음과 같은 이점을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다:

  • Simplification of the compose process for "updates" and "updates-testing" repositories, because the generation of DRPMs is skipped.

  • Reduction in bandwidth use for repository metadata updates.

  • Reduction of storage requirements in Fedora infrastructure and on repository mirrors due to smaller metadata and dropped DRPMs.

  • 사용자를 위해 더 신뢰 할 수 있는 향상.

기본값으로 파일목록 내려받기를 멈춥니다

Filelists are XML files that provide important metadata and information that facilitate RPM package installation, management, and maintenance.

With this Fedora release, the DNF behavior changed in a sense that the filelists will no longer be downloaded by default. The reason is, the metadata that filelists provide are unnecessary in the majority of use cases and they are large in size. This leads to a significant slowdown in the user experience.

This change aims to bring the following notable benefits:

  • Significant reduction in processing time and resource usage for RPM package building, installation, testing environment creation, and others

  • Decrease in costs of a Fedora mirror server operation

  • Reduction in RAM requirements of the DNF process, which addresses existing issues when you run the Fedora system on low-memory machines such as the Raspberry Pi’s

Note that you can still use DNF without filelists metadata when querying file provides located in /usr/bin, /usr/sbin or /etc directories.

wget2로 wget을 대체

페도라 40에서 `wget`명령은 wget2를 사용합니다.

GNU Wget2 is the successor to GNU Wget providing a modern implementation of wget backed by a new library: libwget2. The intent to switch from wget 1.x to wget2 is to switch to an implementation that is more actively developed and provides a richer interface for leveraging wget’s functionality.

Enable IPv4 address conflict detection by default in NetworkManager

IPv4 address conflict detection is now enabled by default in NetworkManager. In other words, RFC 5527 is now enabled by default with an interval of 200 ms.

Assign individual, stable MAC addresses for Wi-Fi connections

Fedora 40 adopts stable-ssid as the default mode for assigning individual, stable MAC addresses to Wi-Fi connections in NetworkManager, enhancing user privacy without compromising network stability.

The change adds a new file, /usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d/22-wifi-mac-addr.conf, which sets wifi.cloned-mac-address=stable-ssid as the default mode for MAC address selection in Wi-Fi connections within NetworkManager. The stable-ssid mode generates a different MAC address based on each SSID it uses to connect to a network, which is designed to enhance user privacy by making it more difficult for users to be tracked across networks by their hardware MAC address.

This new default value overrides the NetworkManager default of preserve and is applied to all existing and new Wi-Fi profiles in Fedora 40 and later that do not override the default, such as by cloning a specific MAC address in the NetworkManager GUI or independently setting wifi.cloned-mac-address.

With the adoption of stable-ssid as the default in Fedora 40, upgrading to Fedora 40 will apply this new MAC address generation by default, including on existing Wi-Fi profiles. This can result in potentially breaking changes to Wi-Fi connection behavior, particularly for users of networks with features or restrictions that rely on the device’s prior default MAC address.

Users who must maintain consistent MAC addresses for specific networks can address this by manually setting wifi.cloned-mac-address to permanent for specific profiles:

nmcli 연결은 영구적으로 [$PROFILE] wifi.cloned-mac-address를 수정합니다

Replace [$PROFILE] with the NetworkManager profile name, which is typically the SSID. To list profiles by name, run nmcli connection.

To revert to previous behavior, override the new default by following one of these steps:

  • Create a custom configuration file in /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/22-wifi-mac-addr.conf, which can be empty or contain specific configurations. This prevents Fedora from loading its default file in /usr/lib.

  • Create a higher priority .conf file, such as /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/90-wifi-mac-addr.conf, which sets wifi.cloned-mac-address:


For details on the order in which configuration files are loaded and their priority, refer to man NetworkManager.conf. For other available wifi.cloned-mac-address options, see the [NetworkManager documentation](https://networkmanager.dev/docs/api/1.46/settings-802-11-wireless.html).

PostgreSQL 16

페도라 40은 PostgreSQL 버전 16을 제공합니다. 더 많은 정보를 위해 업스트림 출시 기록을 참고하세요.


RPM 꾸러미는 표준으로 저작권을 위해 SPDX 식별자를 사용합니다. 꾸러미의 63% 및 ELN 묶음에서 대부분의 모든 꾸러미는 SPDX 식별자로 이전되었습니다. 남아 있는 꾸러미는 페도라 41에서 SPDX로 이전될 것으로 예상됩니다.