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Getting Started

The Fedora docs team Version F37 Last review: 2022-11-15

This manual explains how to install Fedora on 64-bit AMD, Intel and Arm SystemReady machines. The guide and its further detailed guides about different variants are intended for users of all levels of experience. However, it describes the installation process and its many options in far greater detail than most users are likely to require. This should help new users to complete the installation process without interruptions. Users may skip section about familiar topics.


This guide covers installation of Fedora, a Linux distribution built on free and open source software. This manual helps you install Fedora on desktops, laptops, and servers. The installation system is easy to use, even if you lack previous knowledge of Linux or computer networks. If you select default options, Fedora provides a complete desktop operating system, including productivity applications, Internet utilities, and desktop tools.

Fedora is provided in several distribution items tailored for special Purposes. We call it Editions and spins.

Because of these differences, there is no single installation procedure.

Většina edicí a spinů, avšak ne všechny, používají Anaconda, instalační program Fedory, ovšem způsoby, které se v podrobnostech dosti liší.

Therefore, each edition describes the installation separately. Most spins are based on one of the editions, mostly Fedora Workstation, and use the corresponding installation procedure.

Nevertheless, there are some preparatory steps that are almost the same for all variants, e.g. you need to prepare an installation media.

Fedora Variants and how to install

Fedora Workstation Edition

This variant is installed by using a Live CD

Software download at

Fedora Workstation Spins

Většina spinů používá také spustitelné (živé, live) CD.

Software download at

Fedora Server Edition

Tato varianta poskytuje pružný a vysoce přizpůsobitelný Server, vhodný k poskytování široké škály služeb.

The project provides a dedicated installation guide and documentation about usage and administration.

Software download at

Fedora IoT Edition

This variant implements a server for the 'Internet of Things' or 'edge computing'

The project provides a dedicated installation guide and documentation about usage and administration.

Software download at

Fedora CoreOS

A minimal, container-focused operating system, designed for clusters but also operable standalone. The project provides a Getting Started guide.

Fedora Silverblue

An immutable desktop variant of Fedora Workstation Edition, featuring the Gnome desktop, and an excellent platform for container-focused workflows.

Fedora Kinoite

An immutable desktop variant of Fedora Workstation Edition, featuring the KDE desktop, and an excellent platform for container-focused workflows.

Fedora Cloud (upcoming edition)

Jak lze vyvodit z jejího názvu, zaměřuje se na Fedoru v cloudových sítích. Instalace a použití se řídí příslušnými cloudovými systémy.

Fedora Labs

Balík řádně opatrovaného a pečlivě sestaveného účelového softwaru, udržovaný členy komunity. Příslušnou softwarovou skladbu lze nainstalovat jako nezávislou, úplnou verzi Fedory, nebo o ní doplnit jinou již nainstalovanou variantu Fedory.

Tyto varianty se pro jejich odlišnost v použití i účelu liší jak instalačním procesem, tak v administraci a používání. Chcete-li zjistit, jak nainstalovaný systém Fedory používat, využijte příručky, které jsou k dispozici na dokumentačních stránkách jednotlivých variant.

Co se týče instalace, buďte zejména připraveni na skutečnosti, že každá varianta vyžaduje další poinstalační zpracování.

General preparations

Despite all the differentiation, some things are the same for all variants.

Download the software deliverables

The differentiation according to tasks and areas of application corresponds to a differentiation of the download options and the further processing.

To find out more about Fedora download options, see Downloading Fedora.

Visit the Fedora Project downloads site to download a distribution file.

Prepare boot media

An install on hardware usually requires to transfer the download file to a bootable medium, mostly an USB stick. Fedora Media Writer is an appropriate tool.

Alternatively you may try balenaEtcher or the Ventoy project, both available for Linux, MacOS, and Windows. The latter is specifically usefull if you want to have several distributions and versions available on one stick.

Getting Additional Help

If you encounter any problems which are not described in documentation, you might get help from members of the community - developers, users, and others. There are many ways to get help: the Ask Fedora website, mailing lists, forums, or IRC.

The discussion forum askfedora is the recommended way to start with. See Getting help for detailed information.