Pages in category installation

Anaconda:The Fedora Installer

Anaconda is the installation program used by Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux and some other distributions. During installation, a target computer’s hardware is identified and configured, and the appropriate file… Read more

Anaconda Logging

Introduction Anaconda tracks all of its activities in logs. This includes: changing installation steps (that roughly correspond to different screens in the graphical installer) storage devices detection and manipulation installation… Read more

Crear y usar una imagen viva de instalación

Descargar Fedora Usted puede descargar Fedora desde Hay múltiples escritorios disponibles para usar con Fedora. Cada uno tiene una apariencia y sensaciones ligeramente diferente y ofrecen diversos niveles de… Read more

Instalar Spotify en Fedora

Spotify es un servicio propietario de streaming de música en todas las plataformas. Spotify es un servicio gratuito con anuncios que se pueden evitar pagando una suscripción. Aunque Spotify no… Read more

Fedora sobre Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi is a credit card-sized ARM based single board computer (SBC). This documentation describes how to get started The Raspberry Pi 4 is officially supported from Fedora release… Read more

Using Kubernetes on Fedora

Overview This how-to provides an overview of the Kubernetes (K8s) rpms in the Fedora repositories, how to use them in a few scenarios and a short cluster creation guide using… Read more